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Apr 27, 2009 is your source for the best of the web
Visit is your source for the best of the web choose websites and online resources based on their quality, popularity, usefulness and other factors.
Apr 23, 2009
HTML Visual Sitemap (StyleMap v2)
read more about StyleMap V2
HTML Visual Sitemap (StyleMap v2)
read more about StyleMap V2
Apr 21, 2009
WriteMaps Site Map Application - Create, edit, and share online

WriteMaps was created to provide a fast, fun, and easy way to plan your websites. WriteMaps' aim is to enable any user, not just web professionals, with the tools they need to get their ideas mapped out in a visually pleasing environment.
read more about WriteMaps
WriteMaps Site Map Application - Create, edit, and share online
read more about WriteMaps
Apr 16, 2009
Button Design Showcase
Button design is something that may be considered a small detail and doesn’t often get a lot of attention, but well-designed buttons can make a big difference in the overall look of a site. In this post we’ll look at 40 buttons that come in a variety of shapes, sizes, styles and colors.
If you enjoying seeing great examples of button design, you may also like:
Button Design Showcase
Button design is something that may be considered a small detail and doesn’t often get a lot of attention, but well-designed buttons can make a big difference in the overall look of a site. In this post we’ll look at 40 buttons that come in a variety of shapes, sizes, styles and colors.
If you enjoying seeing great examples of button design, you may also like:
Apr 13, 2009
CSS Navigation Menus, Tabs and CSS Navigation Techniques Showcase
Vitaly Friedman's CSS Showcase
More » CSS Navigation Menus, Tabs and CSS Navigation Techniques Showcase
Vitaly Friedman's CSS Showcase
More » 18 Beautiful Web Designs That Emphasize Green
One of the most interesting thing about the design community is, our design are often influenced by the trends and talk-about. The best example is perhaps the Web 2.0 look and feel that stormed the Internet about a year ago.
Over the pass few years, the awareness of global warming and the greenhouse effects have gradually increased. This greatly inspired many designers, and created some of the most beautiful web design based on green by mixing up some nature elements (leaves, soil, trees, sky, etc). Here’s a showcase of 18 Great Web Designs That Emphasize Green.
3000k is a company that provide services like web design, consultating, branding, marketing, etc. And we think they’ve certainly showed their passion towards a grennier world with some nice green related images every page you clicked.
Borneo Tropical Rainforest Foundation
And as the title speaks, BTRF is an organization that makes sure our tropical rainforest stays green.
Bram Nicholson commenced in the turf industry in 1996 and specializes in providing independent advice and a laying service for all your turfing requirements.
Go Glamping
World’s first website dedicated to promoting luxury camping holidays.
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18 Beautiful Web Designs That Emphasize Green
One of the most interesting thing about the design community is, our design are often influenced by the trends and talk-about. The best example is perhaps the Web 2.0 look and feel that stormed the Internet about a year ago.
Over the pass few years, the awareness of global warming and the greenhouse effects have gradually increased. This greatly inspired many designers, and created some of the most beautiful web design based on green by mixing up some nature elements (leaves, soil, trees, sky, etc). Here’s a showcase of 18 Great Web Designs That Emphasize Green.
3000k is a company that provide services like web design, consultating, branding, marketing, etc. And we think they’ve certainly showed their passion towards a grennier world with some nice green related images every page you clicked.
Borneo Tropical Rainforest Foundation
And as the title speaks, BTRF is an organization that makes sure our tropical rainforest stays green.
Bram Nicholson commenced in the turf industry in 1996 and specializes in providing independent advice and a laying service for all your turfing requirements.
Go Glamping
World’s first website dedicated to promoting luxury camping holidays.
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25 Photoshop Tutorials for Working with Textures
Being able to work with texture in Photoshop gives you endless possibilities for your design. There are a variety of different approaches when it comes to adding texture, some are simple and others are more advanced. The 25 tutorials featured in this post will help you to learn a number of different techniques that can be used in your own design.
25 Photoshop Tutorials for Working with Textures
Being able to work with texture in Photoshop gives you endless possibilities for your design. There are a variety of different approaches when it comes to adding texture, some are simple and others are more advanced. The 25 tutorials featured in this post will help you to learn a number of different techniques that can be used in your own design.
Apr 10, 2009
50 Web Usability Tips
50 Web Usability Tips
Apr 8, 2009
Whitehat SEO Tips for Bloggers by Matt Cutts
Matt Cutts, senior software engineer of Google gave a one hour talk on Whitehat SEO tips for bloggers during the Wordpress Camp 2007 happened 2 weeks ago in San Francisco. Thanks to onemansblog, those who are unable to attend the WordCamp now get to view the lecture in video.
Topics covered by Matt during the talk includes Wordpress plugins recommendations, SEO keyword tips, migrating to new webhost, advantages and usage of Google Analytics and Google Webmasters, SEO security tips, and more. Spend one hour watching this video this weekend (or at least download the Powerpoint Slide), I promised you will be inspired. Video after jump.
Whitehat SEO Tips for Bloggers by Matt Cutts
Matt Cutts, senior software engineer of Google gave a one hour talk on Whitehat SEO tips for bloggers during the Wordpress Camp 2007 happened 2 weeks ago in San Francisco. Thanks to onemansblog, those who are unable to attend the WordCamp now get to view the lecture in video.
Topics covered by Matt during the talk includes Wordpress plugins recommendations, SEO keyword tips, migrating to new webhost, advantages and usage of Google Analytics and Google Webmasters, SEO security tips, and more. Spend one hour watching this video this weekend (or at least download the Powerpoint Slide), I promised you will be inspired. Video after jump.
Apr 7, 2009
Publishers will now receive tips in AdSense Account
our system will automatically analyze your account and ad settings. Based on these findings, you’ll receive a notification each month in your AdSense account if there are changes you can make to improve your overall AdSense performance.
This is something really thoughtful of Adsense. IMO, if it’s a optimization tips from the house itself it won’t go wrong.
Publishers will now receive tips in AdSense Account
our system will automatically analyze your account and ad settings. Based on these findings, you’ll receive a notification each month in your AdSense account if there are changes you can make to improve your overall AdSense performance.
This is something really thoughtful of Adsense. IMO, if it’s a optimization tips from the house itself it won’t go wrong.
Apr 6, 2009
Make Money Online with Google Adsense with these resources
Folks are smashingmagazine compiled a very comprehensive entry about Google Adsense. If you are thinking of making money online with Google Adsense, Google Adsense: Facts, FAQs and Tools is definetely something you want to refer. A compilation of more than 50+ Google Adsense related contents, your week end can be quite occupied :)
Click here to read Google Adsense: Facts, FAQs and Tools
Make Money Online with Google Adsense with these resources
Folks are smashingmagazine compiled a very comprehensive entry about Google Adsense. If you are thinking of making money online with Google Adsense, Google Adsense: Facts, FAQs and Tools is definetely something you want to refer. A compilation of more than 50+ Google Adsense related contents, your week end can be quite occupied :)
Click here to read Google Adsense: Facts, FAQs and Tools
Apr 5, 2009
Google AdSense Optimization Report
Every beginning of the week, Google AdSense will send publishers an optimization report that consists of advices on how you can optimize your AdSense to further earn more. I always find these information very useful, but thinking that if folks at AdSense have to provide optimization report for god knows how many publishers out there, how do they do that? Will these reports be accurate or are they are just piles of optimization tips randomly given to us every month?
My optimization tips for this month advises me to revise my competitive filter list as I could be filtering potential ads that could revenue me more from Google AdSense. So how I guess the Optimization Report is somehow accurate because I’ve just added a large list to my competitive ads filter 2 weeks ago. That’s just another experiments I’m doing on Google AdSense. Well I believe I should remove them as AdSense have already kill most MFA and Arbitrages sites, that makes adding them to competitive filter list a bit unnecessary.
Google AdSense Optimization Report
Every beginning of the week, Google AdSense will send publishers an optimization report that consists of advices on how you can optimize your AdSense to further earn more. I always find these information very useful, but thinking that if folks at AdSense have to provide optimization report for god knows how many publishers out there, how do they do that? Will these reports be accurate or are they are just piles of optimization tips randomly given to us every month?
My optimization tips for this month advises me to revise my competitive filter list as I could be filtering potential ads that could revenue me more from Google AdSense. So how I guess the Optimization Report is somehow accurate because I’ve just added a large list to my competitive ads filter 2 weeks ago. That’s just another experiments I’m doing on Google AdSense. Well I believe I should remove them as AdSense have already kill most MFA and Arbitrages sites, that makes adding them to competitive filter list a bit unnecessary.
Apr 4, 2009
How To Increase Google AdSense CTR and CPM
Connected Internet shows you 10 ways how you can increase your AdSense CTR and CPM.
- Use Section Targeting
- Work on your keyword density
- Make Your Ads Look Like Normal Content
- Make Sure Your Best Unit Loads First
- Embed Your Banners In Or Near Your Content
- Think About Where Your Hotspots Are
- Reduce The Noise Around Your Units
- Use The Competitive Ad Filter
- Don’t Be Afraid To Put Your Ads Below The Fold
- Use Channels And Experiment
How To Increase Google AdSense CTR and CPM
Connected Internet shows you 10 ways how you can increase your AdSense CTR and CPM.
- Use Section Targeting
- Work on your keyword density
- Make Your Ads Look Like Normal Content
- Make Sure Your Best Unit Loads First
- Embed Your Banners In Or Near Your Content
- Think About Where Your Hotspots Are
- Reduce The Noise Around Your Units
- Use The Competitive Ad Filter
- Don’t Be Afraid To Put Your Ads Below The Fold
- Use Channels And Experiment
Apr 3, 2009
Adsense Tips: Section Targeting
Have you ever experience having irrelevant AdSense ads on your website/blog? You may be talking about food or so, but it gives you some Forex text ads and you probably wondered why. The main reason is because the ads are not properly targeted and it’s getting mixed signals from other sub contents like readers’ comments, trackbacks, other categories or anything that shares the same page.
Continue ReadingGoogle AdSense gives you an option to tell which they should emphasize by using the section targeting codes. All you need to do is put 2 sets of codes, one before the content and one after the content you want to target. This should help google understand the site better and pass in more relevant ads and help increase AdSense CTR.
Before content, insert:
After content, insert:
More details on Section Targeting.
Adsense Tips: Section Targeting
Have you ever experience having irrelevant AdSense ads on your website/blog? You may be talking about food or so, but it gives you some Forex text ads and you probably wondered why. The main reason is because the ads are not properly targeted and it’s getting mixed signals from other sub contents like readers’ comments, trackbacks, other categories or anything that shares the same page.
Continue ReadingGoogle AdSense gives you an option to tell which they should emphasize by using the section targeting codes. All you need to do is put 2 sets of codes, one before the content and one after the content you want to target. This should help google understand the site better and pass in more relevant ads and help increase AdSense CTR.
Before content, insert:
After content, insert:
More details on Section Targeting.
Apr 1, 2009
50 (Most) Beautiful Blogger Templates
There are tonnes of Blogger templates out there, but we all know it’s hard (or perhaps take times) to find the really nice and high quality ones. So for those who are bored with their current Blogger template and intend to change, we thought your time can be spent better on browsing only the best and nicest among the free Blogger themes. Here’s 50 most beautiful Blogger templates we managed to compile. Prepare to scroll after jump.
Read also: 29 Beautiful Blogger templates
Blogy Decorativo
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50 (Most) Beautiful Blogger Templates
There are tonnes of Blogger templates out there, but we all know it’s hard (or perhaps take times) to find the really nice and high quality ones. So for those who are bored with their current Blogger template and intend to change, we thought your time can be spent better on browsing only the best and nicest among the free Blogger themes. Here’s 50 most beautiful Blogger templates we managed to compile. Prepare to scroll after jump.
Read also: 29 Beautiful Blogger templates
Blogy Decorativo
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